• poorvachemtech1@yahoo.com
Pro-Sil supplies silicon which is an important and beneficial plant nutrient required for plant growth. Pro-Sil increases the resistance power of plant against pest & diseases.
Ortho Silicic acid : 2%

Benefits of Prosil :

  • Ortho Silicic Acid in Prosil is absorbed by the plants, benefiting the plant in terms of growth and resistance to disease and environmental stresses.
  • Prosil improving the plants growth and yield, especially in stress conditions. To achieve plant tolerance in stress conditions, Silicon promotes photosynthesis by favorably exposing the leaves to light without dehydration.
  • Prosil regulates the uptake of other minerals in plants.
  • Prosil will reinforce the plant tissues. The strengthened plant tissues will be more resistant to fungal and pest attacks.
  • Prosil helps to regulates the enzymatic activity of the plant and thereby increases the yield and growth of the plant.
  • Prosil protects the plant from extreme high or low temperatures.
  • Prosil helps to reduces osmotic stress.
  • Prosil strengthen the cell walls of the vascular tissues and thereby conducting more water and minerals throughout the vascular system. Strengthened vascular system will be more important for better and even distribution of water and minerals.

  • 1 to 1.5 ml / Litre of Water
100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Ltr

Small Group..Think Big !!!

Factory Address

24 to 29, Samarth Co-Operative Industrial Estate,
Mukhed Road, Pimpalgaon(B), Niphad, Nashik - 422 209.

Corporate Office

M-113, MIDC Ambad,
Nashik 422010(MS)(India)

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